Temp Services

RMC can provide quality labour for your short or long term needs in the following areas:

RMC Can Save Your Organisation:

  • Time and expense in advertising for applicants
  • The hassle of interviewing and short listing
  • The risk and cost of employee unsuitability
  • Payroll administration including leave entitlements etc
Temp Services

How Does It Work?

We have a range of skilled workers on our temps register. We aim to match the requirements of your vacancy with the experience, skills and knowledge of one of our temps.

The individual that RMC provides for your short or long term labour needs is an employee of RMC. He or she provides services for your organisation but they remain an RMC employee.

The individual is charged out at an hourly rate pre agreed between your organisation and RMC. RMC cover the expense of all employee entitlements like holiday pay.

RMC guarantees the performance of the person who comes to your business and all aspects of performance management remain with RMC.

RMC can also assist with recruitment of staff for permanent employment with you.